How can I follow my parcel that comes from abroad?
You can follow your parcel outside Belgium with Track & Trace. bpost relies on its international partners for the Track & Trace information. They are not always able to communicate this information (on time) so you might not be able to follow your parcel immediately. Once your parcel arrives in Belgium at bpost, you can follow it with our Track & Trace and the My bpost app.
Tip: You can also follow your parcel with the Track & Trace of the foreign postal service handling your parcel. Use the barcode number that you received from the sender and enter it in the Track & Trace of the foreign postal service.
Please note: If your barcode starts with the letter ‘U’, you cannot track your shipment. This barcode is only used to facilitate the import procedure and present the shipment to Belgian customs. After the shipment is released, it will be handed over to bpost without further tracking.

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Monday - Friday :
08.00 – 12.30
13.00 – 18.00
Saturday :
09.00 – 13.00
Zonal rate. Waiting time varies.