Where can I hand in my parcel?
You can drop off your parcel in various places and ways:
- in a Post Office, Post Point or Parcel Point:
- up to a maximum of 20 parcels per day with a total maximum volume of 500 kg or 1.5 m³.
- in some offices, you will find special Parcel Boxes; some of these are equipped with a scanner and can print a mailing receipt.
- in a Parcel Locker
- to the postman when he has just delivered a parcel to you. More information about giving your parcel to the postman.
- you can have it picked up at home for a fee
- in a MassPost Center (from 20 to 250 parcels per day, with or without an appointment)
Always take into account the maximum permitted dimensions and the maximum weight per parcel (30 kg and the maximum length of one side is 1.5 m). More information about the allowed sizes and weights.

If you didn't find an answer to your question?
Please contact us.
Monday - Friday :
08.00 – 12.30
13.00 – 18.00
Saturday :
09.00 – 13.00
Zonal rate. Waiting time varies.