Can I also list friends or family members who live a bit further away as my neighbours?
When setting your delivery preferences you can only list neighbours who live close by (within a 50 metres' radius). Your parcel will be delivered to that address if you are not home.
Change address to family or friends
You’ll get an email or a notification in the My bpost app stating the delivery date and location when your parcel is on its way. You’ll then be able to have your parcel redirected to family or friends who live near you. Your parcel will be delivered straight to that address rather than trying your home address first.

If you didn't find an answer to your question?
Please contact us.
Monday - Friday :
08.00 – 12.30
13.00 – 18.00
Saturday :
09.00 – 13.00
Zonal rate. Waiting time varies.