Magazine and periodical delivery
Professional periodical delivery in Belgium
- Delivered by 11,000 amazing people
- 100% of the territory of Belgium
- Extra visibility due to delivery with daily mail
An expert will contact you
Our periodical delivery service offer
Periodicals Standard
- For periodicals you address yourself
- For small volumes, without a minimum quantity
- Drop at a post office (max 1000) or MassPost Center
- Delivery: next business day or within three business days
Periodicals Plus
- For periodicals bpost personalises for you
- Hand over your subscriber list and we do the rest
- From 500 deliveries per drop
- Drop at a (Hyper) MassPost Center
- Delivery: next business day or within three business days
Periodicals Pro
- For periodicals you address yourself
- From 500 deliveries per drop
- With Mail ID technology
- Drop at a (Hyper) MassPost Center
- Delivery: next business day or within two or three business days
- Contract-based
Do you ship more than 500,000 magazines per year?
Request a personalised quote and benefit from lower tariffs under your contract.

Conditions for a periodical tariff
You will benefit from a lower tariff if your publication fulfills these conditions:
- Your magazine is published at least four times a year at regular intervals of no more than 3 months.
- At least 30% of the content are non-advertising articles.
- Adverts, publicity and promotional copy must come from at least 3 different companies other than the publisher or printer.
Check to see whether your magazine fulfils the conditions.
Practical support for your magazines
More questions
These are the biggest changes to our magazine delivery service offer:
- Choice of when bpost delivers: next business day or within three business days.
- Adapted tariffs based on formats and weight classes.
- New drop declaration form.
First and foremost, your periodical should fulfill the conditions for the periodical tariff. After approval of your request, you will receive a number you can use to drop your magazines at this tariff. Depending on the number of copies you wish to have delivered, these are the next steps:
Fewer than 500,000 copies per year
Schedule your drop and hand in your drop declaration form and a specimen of your publication:
- At a post office to drop up to 1000 copies
- At a Masspost Center to drop up to 20,000 copies
- At a Hyper Masspost Center to drop an unlimited number of copies
More than 500,000 copies per year
Schedule your drop and hand in your magazines:
- At a Masspost Center to drop between 500 and 20,000 copies
- At a Hyper Masspost Center to drop between 500 and an unlimited number of copies
Our distribution service is available for magazines and other periodicals that meet the following criteria:
- They are published at least four times a year, with no more than three months between issues.
- They include several articles offering general information, which together make up at least 30% of the content.
Terms and conditions for advertisements in magazines
- Commercial advertisements must include contributions from at least three different companies or institutions (not including the publisher or printer).
- Non-profit organisation magazines may feature one advertisement, provided it (even if it involves several inserts) does not cover more than one page.
What is not considered a periodical?
The following publications do not qualify as periodicals, even if they are published regularly:
- Temporary publications, such as a series with a set number of issues or a series that ends once the topic has been fully covered.
- Prospectuses, price lists and catalogues (excluding bookstore catalogues).
- Publications focusing primarily on a company's commercial, industrial, or financial activities.
- Publications that are used as advertising or promotional tools for companies, institutions, or individuals.
- Periodicals containing a supplement that is sent following an order, sale, or as a gift at the recipient's request.
- Periodicals containing payment cards (such as bank cards, access cards, benefit cards, or membership cards). Free membership cards with limited benefits may be included.
The Address Recognition Rate (ARR) represents the percentage of correctly identified addresses at building level. To calculate it, divide the number of recognised addresses by the total number of submitted addresses. This calculation is part of the process for exchanging electronic address files, as outlined in the Operational Data Exchange Technical Guide.
You have three options for franking your magazines or other periodicals:
Postage-paid franking mark
- Download the Postage Paid franking mark online and print it on your mail item.
- You pay the postage amount when posting your batch of mail items or via invoice if you opt for deferred payment via bpost.
Franking machine
- Use your franking machine to frank periodicals at the corresponding rate.
- The rate depends on the weight and size of your periodical.
Deferred payment (Dutch abbr. 'UV'/French abbr. 'RD') - for public services
- Download the 'UV/RD' mark online and print it in the upper right corner of your mail items.
- You will receive a monthly invoice based on the submitted dispatches.
There are two ways to submit your Standard periodicals:
Drop-off at a post office
- For volumes between 1 and 1,000 mail items
- No pre-sorting required
Drop-off at a (Hyper) Masspost Centre
- For larger volumes: in blue trays, containers, pallets or pallet boxes.
- For volumes of 20,000 mail items or more, pre-sorting per sorting centre is mandatory.
When dropping off your periodicals, please bring the following documents:
At a post office:
- 1 sample copy (specimen) of your dispatch. This copy will be verified and stored for reference. If no specimen is provided, we will take one copy of the issue.
At a (Hyper) Masspost Centre:
- 1 sample copy (specimen) of your dispatch. This copy will be verified and stored for reference. If no specimen is provided, we will take one copy of the issue.
- A fully completed drop declaration form, or your drop-off authorisation if you are using e-Masspost.
If you have not already used e-Masspost for other dispatches, you can request access by filling out the online application form (NL).
If you want to drop off Standard periodicals, there is no need to notify bpost in advance via e-Masspost. For Pro periodicals however, the announcement via e-Masspost is required.
You can manage the access rights to the bpost tools for your business partners, such as printers, routers or mail handlers through the the bpost portal. Your account manager can assist you with this.
Access to e-Masspost
To gain access to e-MassPost, fill out and submit the online application form (NL). Each company designates one administrator, who can create new users and manage their rights and accesses.
Need assistance?
Consult the 'User access management' guide (NL) for more information, or contact our customer service or your account manager.
You can find a list of (Hyper) Masspost Centres, including contact details and opening hours, in the MassPost guide and below. The MassPost Centres are open from Monday to Friday. Drop-off times depend on the type of product and preparations (to be) made. You can find the relevant information in the list of centres.