Identification during postal financial transactions


Identification lors de transactions financières postales



    1. Why does bpost ask me to show a form of ID?

    bpost requires you to show your ID as part of its legal obligations to prevent money laundering and illegal financing activities. This ensures protection for everyone involved.

    What forms of ID are legally accepted?

    bpost accepts many different forms of ID. Check our lists to find out if your ID is valid for your financial transaction.

    Accepted forms of ID for transfers to a 000/299/other account

    Accepted forms of ID for bpaid transactions

    If your form of ID is not on the list, unfortunately, the counter clerk will be unable to process the transaction for you.

    2. Why do I need to complete a questionnaire?

    Completing a questionnaire is another measure to comply with anti-money laundering and illegal financing law. For certain postal financial transactions, such as money transfers or reloading your bpaid card, you will need to answer questions about:

    The type of transaction
    Your occupation
    Your income and sources of income
    Any political links you may have

    How to complete the questionnaireThe first time you conduct a postal financial transaction through bpost, the counter clerk will give you a questionnaire to fill out (available in English, French, Dutch, and German). If needed, the clerk will be there to assist you. If you speak a foreign language, don’t hesitate to come with an interpreter.

    Your answers will be verifiedTo ensure compliance with money laundering laws, bpost needs to verify the information provided on the questionnaire. In some cases, if certain answers raise concerns, further information might be requested. Depending on the situation, bpost may need to inform the authorities.
    If everything is in order, your money transfer or bpaid card reload will be processed.

    Do I have to complete the questionnaire every time?In most cases, you will only need to complete the questionnaire once every five years.
    Your data will be securely kept by bpost to protect your privacy.

    3. Why do I have to answer other questions every time I want to make a transaction?

    To ensure protection and compliance with the money laundering law, bpost needs to verify that your financial transactions match the answers from your questionnaire. That’s why, for some transactions, the counter clerk must ask you:

    • Where the money comes from
    • Why you are transferring the money
    • To comply with transaction limits
    3. Pourquoi dois-je répondre à d’autres questions à chaque transaction ?

    Have another question?

    Feel free to ask the counter clerk. If you speak a foreign language, don’t hesitate to bring along someone you know who can translate for you or an interpreter.