Welcome to our Post Office


Postoffice language



    Map language zones

    Official languages in Belgium

    Please note that our employees often only speak the language of the region where the Post Office is located.

    1Flanders: Dutch
    2Wallonia: French
    3Brussels: Dutch & French
    4East Cantons: German & French

    Tips for a smooth Post Office experience

    Bring along an ‘interpreter’
    Prepare your documents
    Social rate for translation support
    Bring along an ‘interpreter’

    Bring along an ‘interpreter’

    Come with someone who speaks the language in our region and who can interpret for you.<br><br><br><br>

    Prepare your documents

    Prepare your documents

    Sometimes a valet will ask you to fill in some documents. Make sure these are completely filled in the next time you visit.<br><br><br>

    Social rate for translation support

    Social rate for translation support

    You can request translation support at a social rate from a central translation service in your region.<br><br><a href="https://setisw.com/" target="_blank">Translation support in Wallonia</a><br><a href="https://www.integratie-inburgering.be/en" target="_blank">Translation support in Flanders</a><br><a href="https://www.servicedinterpretariatsocial.be/" target="_blank">Translation support in Brussels</a>

    How can we help you?

    Identification during postal financial transactions: a legal obligation but above all essential protection for you

    Read about why and which documents are required here.