What does the percentage in the text message I receive after a foreign currency transaction mean?

In case of a foreign currency transaction, you will receive a text message showing you the difference (in %) between the reference rate of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the one of Mastercard (costs included).The following example will show you how this percentage is calculated.

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Country of transaction: Sweden

Amount: 100 SEK (Swedish krona)
Amount in euro: 9.67989 EUR (1 SEK= 0.096799 EUR)
Exchange fees: 1.75 % of the amount converted into euro
Exchange rate Mastercard: 1 SEK= 0.096799 EUR

Rate (including exchange fees) = 0.096799 EUR + 1.75% =0.0984928 EUR (= 1 SEK)

Exchange fees for 1 SEK = 0.0016938 EUR (= 0.0984928 EUR – 0.096799 EUR)

Total amount including fees (Mastercard fee) for 100 SEK = 9.67989 EUR + 0.16939 EUR = 9.8492 EUR

Exchange rate ECB: 1 SEK = 0.09648 EUR
ECB exchange rate for 100 SEK = 9.6748 EUR

Deviation rate without charges = (9.67989 EUR – 9.648 EUR)/9.648 EUR = 0.33%
Deviation rate with charges = (9.8492 EUR – 9.648 EUR)/9.648 EUR = 2.08%

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